custom_config ============== ``directories`` --------------- - ``mirror_module_path`` (``True`` or ``False``) Whether to create a folder named the name of the running file under the ``output`` path, and save the output (``images/`` or ``videos/``) in it. - ``output`` Output file path, the videos will be saved in the ``videos/`` folder under it, and the pictures will be saved in the ``images/`` folder under it. For example, if you set ``output`` to ``"/.../manim/output"`` and ``mirror_module_path`` to ``False``, then you exported ``Scene1`` in the code file and saved the last frame, then the final directory structure will be like: .. code-block:: text :emphasize-lines: 9, 11 manim/ ├── manimx/ │ ├── animation/ │ ├── ... │ ├── default_config.yml │ └── ├── output/ │ ├── images │ │ └── Scene1.png │ └── videos │ └── Scene1.mp4 ├── └── custom_config.yml But if you set ``mirror_module_path`` to ``True``, the directory structure will be: .. code-block:: text :emphasize-lines: 8 manim/ ├── manimx/ │ ├── animation/ │ ├── ... │ ├── default_config.yml │ └── ├── output/ │ └── code/ │ ├── images │ │ └── Scene1.png │ └── videos │ └── Scene1.mp4 ├── └── custom_config.yml - ``raster_images`` The directory for storing raster images to be used in the code (including ``.jpg``, ``.jpeg``, ``.png`` and ``.gif``), which will be read by ``ImageMobject``. - ``vector_images`` The directory for storing vector images to be used in the code (including ``.svg`` and ``.xdv``), which will be read by ``SVGMobject``. - ``sounds`` The directory for storing sound files to be used in ``Scene.add_sound()`` ( including ``.wav`` and ``.mp3``). - ``temporary_storage`` The directory for storing temporarily generated cache files, including ``Tex`` cache, ``Text`` cache and storage of object points. ``tex`` ------- - ``executable`` The executable program used to compile LaTeX (``latex`` or ``xelatex -no-pdf`` is recommended) - ``template_file`` LaTeX template used, in ``manimx/tex_templates`` - ``intermediate_filetype`` The type of intermediate vector file generated after compilation (``dvi`` if ``latex`` is used, ``xdv`` if ``xelatex`` is used) - ``text_to_replace`` The text to be replaced in the template (needn't to change) ``universal_import_line`` ------------------------- Import line that need to execute when entering interactive mode directly. ``style`` --------- - ``font`` Default font of Text - ``text_alignment`` Default text alignment for LaTeX - ``background_color`` Default background color ``window_position`` ------------------- The relative position of the playback window on the display (two characters, the first character means upper(U) / middle(O) / lower(D), the second character means left(L) / middle(O) / right(R)). ``window_monitor`` ------------------ The number of the monitor you want the preview window to pop up on. (default is 0) ``full_screen`` --------------- Whether open the window in full screen. (default is false) ``break_into_partial_movies`` ----------------------------- If this is set to ``True``, then many small files will be written corresponding to each ```` and ``Scene.wait`` call, and these files will then be combined to form the full scene. Sometimes video-editing is made easier when working with the broken up scene, which effectively has cuts at all the places you might want. ``camera_resolutions`` ---------------------- Export resolutions - ``low`` Low resolutions (default is 480p) - ``medium`` Medium resolutions (default is 720p) - ``high`` High resolutions (default is 1080p) - ``ultra_high`` Ultra high resolutions (default is 4K) - ``default_resolutions`` Default resolutions (one of the above four, default is high) ``fps`` ------- Export frame rate. (default is 30)