
Manim runs on Python 3.7 or higher.

System requirements are:

  • FFmpeg

  • OpenGL (included in python package PyOpenGL)

  • LaTeX (optional, if you want to use LaTeX)

  • Pango (only for Linux)

Install FFmpeg

Install FFmpeg Windows

choco install ffmpeg

# Install FFmepeg Linux

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install ffmpeg
$ ffmpeg -version

# Install FFmpeg MacOS


# Install manimgl
pip install manimgl

# Try it out

If you want to hack on manimx itself, clone this repository and in that directory execute:

# Install python requirements
pip install -e .

# Try it out
manimgl OpeningManimExample
# or
manim-render OpeningManimExample

If you run the above command and no error message appears, then you have successfully installed all the environments required by manim.

Directly (Windows)

  1. Install FFmpeg, and make sure that its path is in the PATH environment variable.

  2. Install a LaTeX distribution. TeXLive-full is recommended.

  3. Install the remaining Python packages.

git clone
cd manim
pip install -e .
manimgl OpeningManimExample

For Anaconda

  • Install FFmpeg and LaTeX as above.

  • Create a conda environment using

git clone
cd manim
conda create -n manim python=3.8
conda activate manim
pip install -e .