

  • mirror_module_path

    (True or False) Whether to create a folder named the name of the running file under the output path, and save the output (images/ or videos/) in it.

  • output

    Output file path, the videos will be saved in the videos/ folder under it, and the pictures will be saved in the images/ folder under it.

    For example, if you set output to "/.../manim/output" and mirror_module_path to False, then you exported Scene1 in the code file and saved the last frame, then the final directory structure will be like:

        ├── manimx/
        │   ├── animation/
        │   ├── ...
        │   ├── default_config.yml
        │   └──
        ├── output/
        │   ├── images
        │   │   └── Scene1.png
        │   └── videos
        │       └── Scene1.mp4
        └── custom_config.yml

    But if you set mirror_module_path to True, the directory structure will be:

        ├── manimx/
        │   ├── animation/
        │   ├── ...
        │   ├── default_config.yml
        │   └──
        ├── output/
        │   └── code/
        │       ├── images
        │       │   └── Scene1.png
        │       └── videos
        │           └── Scene1.mp4
        └── custom_config.yml
  • raster_images

    The directory for storing raster images to be used in the code (including .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif), which will be read by ImageMobject.

  • vector_images

    The directory for storing vector images to be used in the code (including .svg and .xdv), which will be read by SVGMobject.

  • sounds

    The directory for storing sound files to be used in Scene.add_sound() ( including .wav and .mp3).

  • temporary_storage

    The directory for storing temporarily generated cache files, including Tex cache, Text cache and storage of object points.


  • executable

    The executable program used to compile LaTeX (latex or xelatex -no-pdf is recommended)

  • template_file

    LaTeX template used, in manimx/tex_templates

  • intermediate_filetype

    The type of intermediate vector file generated after compilation (dvi if latex is used, xdv if xelatex is used)

  • text_to_replace

    The text to be replaced in the template (needn’t to change)


Import line that need to execute when entering interactive mode directly.


  • font

    Default font of Text

  • text_alignment

    Default text alignment for LaTeX

  • background_color

    Default background color


The relative position of the playback window on the display (two characters, the first character means upper(U) / middle(O) / lower(D), the second character means left(L) / middle(O) / right(R)).


The number of the monitor you want the preview window to pop up on. (default is 0)


Whether open the window in full screen. (default is false)


If this is set to True, then many small files will be written corresponding to each and Scene.wait call, and these files will then be combined to form the full scene.

Sometimes video-editing is made easier when working with the broken up scene, which effectively has cuts at all the places you might want.


Export resolutions

  • low

    Low resolutions (default is 480p)

  • medium

    Medium resolutions (default is 720p)

  • high

    High resolutions (default is 1080p)

  • ultra_high

    Ultra high resolutions (default is 4K)

  • default_resolutions

    Default resolutions (one of the above four, default is high)


Export frame rate. (default is 30)